
  1. 10 Things I wish I had when I started brewing! PART 2

    10 Things I wish I had when I started brewing! PART 2

    What (are the 10 items) you wish you had when you started brewing and keg dispensing? PART 2

    ...Part 2!


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  2. 10 Things I wish I had when I started brewing! PART 3

    10 Things I wish I had when I started brewing! PART 3

    What (are the 10 items) you wish you had when you started brewing and keg dispensing? PART 3

    ...start of Part 3!

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  3. 10 Things I wish I had when I started brewing! BONUS

    10 Things I wish I had when I started brewing! BONUS

    What (are the 10 items) you wish you had when you started brewing and keg dispensing? BONUS ROUND

    Number 11 – That’s right, this one goes to Eleven

    Fresh Wort Kits.

    Brewing all grain beers is definitely how to get the truest, richest and most authentic flavours.

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  4. 10 Things I wish I had when I started brewing! PART 1

    10 Things I wish I had when I started brewing! PART 1

    What (are the 10 items) you wish you had when you started brewing and keg dispensing? PART 1

    10 Thangs Thats Be Gooder if Use Gots Thems.

    Whether I’m working in the retail shop, answering phones in the Sales Team or replying to people online, I answer a lot of equipment questions from our customers.

    From new brewers to new kegerator owners I get the asked the same question often, which is:

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  5. Dry Yeast FAQ

    Dry Yeast Usage

    Is it recommended to rehydrate dry yeast?

    A big part of homebrewing comes down to what works best for you and also following producers' recommendations. We would encourage you to read instructions before use.

    Do I need to rehydrate the yeast before pitching?

    Typically, dry yeasts do not need to be rehydrated before use and can be pitched directly into our fermenters. However, some brewers prefer to rehydrate dry yeasts as they think it speeds up the start of fermentation.

    How do I rehydrate dry yeast?

    To rehydrate yeast, simply add around 300ml of lukewarm water to a sanitised conatainer, and add the content of the packet then cover with a layer of tin foil. You will notice that after an hour or so, the yeast will start to buble and activate.

    Storage Recommendation

    How do I store my dry yeast?

    Store in the fridge or dry and cool place.

    How long can I store my dry yeast

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  6. Kit & Kilo, Tin and Can FAQ

    Tins usage

    How do I get the malt out of the tin?

    You will need to open the tin and warm it up gently in a pot of water to help liquify all the malt goodness. Once the content seems runny enough, it is reday to transfer to your pot or fermenter.

    How many tins do I need?

    Most recipes call for 1 tin however the world is your oyster and you can experiment with 2 or even 3 tins! we recommend you take a look at our recommend tin or Kit & Kilo recipes.


    How do I store my tin?

    Similarly to all other food tins, in a dark and dry place such as a regular food pantry.

    How long can I store my tin for before usage?

    Every tin will have a best by use date on the bottom or top of the tin.

    My tin has passed its best by use date, what do I do now?

    Most people will discard the tin however some warriors have used them in the past and lived to tell the tale. There will be loss of flavour
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  7. Hops FAQs

    What are hops?

    Hops are the female flowers of the hop plant (Humulus lupulus). They are used in brewing to add bitterness, flavor, and aroma to beer.

    How do I use hops in brewing?

    Hops can be used at different stages of the brewing process. They can be added during the boil to impart bitterness, added toward the end of the boil for flavor and aroma, and used for dry hopping during fermentation to enhance aroma.

    How much hops should I use in my beer?

    The amount of hops to use depends on various factors such as the beer style, desired bitterness, and hop characteristics. Recipes typically specify the amount of hops to use, but you can also experiment and adjust according to your taste preferences.

    How do I measure hops?

    Hops are typically measured in weight, usually in grams or ounces. A digital scale is a useful tool for accurately
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  8. Liquid Yeast FAQ

    Can liquid yeast be shipped in the mail?
    Absolutely! We will take great care of the packaging and ensure the yeast stays in as good condition as possible.

    How should I best use liquid yeast in my brewing process?

    Using liquid yeast in brewing can enhance the flavor and character of your beer. Here are some tips for optimal usage:

    • Properly store the liquid yeast in the refrigerator before use.
    • Plan ahead and prepare a yeast starter to ensure a healthy yeast population and a strong fermentation.
    • Follow the instructions provided by the yeast manufacturer for rehydration or direct pitching into your wort.
    • Maintain a suitable fermentation temperature to promote yeast activity and flavor development.
    • Consider using a yeast nutrient or energizer to support yeast health and fermentation performance.

    What are the recommended Keg King products for using liquid yeast?

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  9. Fresh Wort Kits FAQs

    What are fresh wort kits?

    Fresh wort kits are convenient and time-saving options for homebrewers. They consist of pre-made, ready-to-use wort (unfermented beer) that has been professionally brewed and then packaged for homebrewing.

    How do fresh wort kits work?

    Fresh wort kits eliminate the need for the homebrewer to go through the entire brewing process, including mashing and boiling. Instead, the kits provide a pre-boiled and cooled wort that can be transferred directly into a fermenter, where yeast is added to begin fermentation.

    What are the benefits of using fresh wort kits?

    Fresh wort kits offer several advantages, including:
    • Time-saving: With pre-made wort, you can skip several hours of brewing and focus on fermentation and other aspects of brewing.
    • Consistency: Professional brewing ensures a high-quality and consistent wort base for your beer.
    • Convenience: Fresh wort kits provide a convenient solution
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  10. Yeast and Bacteria

    Yeast and Bacteria

    Yeast is the magic ingredient in beer that transforms sugar into carbon dioxide (CO2) and Ethyl Alcohol.  There are an enormous variety of yeasts both on the market and in the wild ready to capture, however there is one key difference between yeast that helps us to identify what species it is and how it will behave through fermentation. Simply put, yeast breaks into two categories, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, and Saccharomyces Pastorianus. The notable difference between these two and how we do differentiate them is that S.Cerevisiae is a top fermenting yeast used primarily for ales and S.Pastorianus is a bottom fermenting yeast, used for the production of lagers. Saccharomyces Cerevisiae can be found in two forms, diploid (two complete sets of chromosomes) and haploid (one complete set of chromosomes). Saccharomyces is a yeast which is a member of the fungus kingdom. It is more commonly found in the diploid form and is oval shaped and sized at less than .01 of a mm. Saccharomcyces Pastornianus

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