What (are the 10 items) you wish you had when you started brewing and keg dispensing? PART 2
...Part 2!
...Part 2!
...start of Part 3!
Number 11 – That’s right, this one goes to Eleven
Brewing all grain beers is definitely how to get the truest, richest and most authentic flavours.
10 Thangs Thats Be Gooder if Use Gots Thems.
Whether I’m working in the retail shop, answering phones in the Sales Team or replying to people online, I answer a lot of equipment questions from our customers.
From new brewers to new kegerator owners I get the asked the same question often, which is:
Can liquid yeast be shipped in the mail?
Absolutely! We will take great care of the packaging and ensure the yeast stays in as good condition as possible.
How should I best use liquid yeast in my brewing process?
Using liquid yeast in brewing can enhance the flavor and character of your beer. Here are some tips for optimal usage:
What are the recommended Keg King products for using liquid yeast?
Yeast is the magic ingredient in beer that transforms sugar into carbon dioxide (CO2) and Ethyl Alcohol. There are an enormous variety of yeasts both on the market and in the wild ready to capture, however there is one key difference between yeast that helps us to identify what species it is and how it will behave through fermentation. Simply put, yeast breaks into two categories, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, and Saccharomyces Pastorianus. The notable difference between these two and how we do differentiate them is that S.Cerevisiae is a top fermenting yeast used primarily for ales and S.Pastorianus is a bottom fermenting yeast, used for the production of lagers. Saccharomyces Cerevisiae can be found in two forms, diploid (two complete sets of chromosomes) and haploid (one complete set of chromosomes). Saccharomyces is a yeast which is a member of the fungus kingdom. It is more commonly found in the diploid form and is oval shaped and sized at less than .01 of a mm. Saccharomcyces Pastornianus