Calcium Sulphate (CaSO4) Gypsum 300g
Calcium Sulphate (CaSO4) 300g
Also know as GypsumLowers pH
Useful for adding calcium if the water is low in sulfate. Can be used to add sulfate "crispness" to the hop bitterness.
Used to add permanent hardness to brewing water.
Most often used when brewing British style beers when your water is soft.
Calcium sulphate, also known as gypsum, is a salt that is commonly used in brewing to modify the water chemistry and create different styles of beer. It is especially useful for making ales and bitters, as it adds hardness and sulfate ions to the water, which accentuate the hop bitterness.
Calcium sulphate also has benefits for the mashing process, the yeast health and performance, and the clarity and stability of the final product .
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